As we get into winter we become less insulin sensitive and as such we need to consume more DHA during this time of the year to allow more electron flow.
DHA and water, working together form your battery. That battery is capable of giving your cells its spark of life. The further you go away from the equator the more important DHA becomes in the equation because light can only drive the carbon cycle well inside the tropics.
This is why plants and trees have no need to eat food, but animals must eat to survive and thrive. They need to eat, mainly to find DHA, to add to their battery to extend the time they can remain disconnected from the sun or Earth. In Polar Regions they are less connected to the sun and more connected to the magnetic field via the cold environments.
EPA and DHA are two types of omega-3 fatty acids which can be created by the body in small amounts from ALA, another omega-3 fat. However, to obtain sufficient amounts, consuming them through diet or supplements is often necessary.
DHA is more important than EPA in early brain development. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children may want to choose fish that are higher in DHA.
Atlantic salmon has 950 mg of DHA and 250 mg of EPA per serving.
Nutrient content
Fish: contains not only EPA and DHA, but also vitamin D, selenium, protein, co-factors and a more complete fatty acid profile than fish oil. Selenium, in particular, is important because it protects against mercury toxicity. Vitamin D protects against nearly every modern disease plaguing us today. A 170g portion of wild salmon contains 1,700 IU of D, which is difficult to obtain in that amount from other dietary sources.
Fish oil: most oils contain only EPA and DHA, although salmon and cod liver oil also contain moderate amounts of vitamin D. Fish oil has a more limited fatty acid profile than whole fish, and doesn’t contain selenium.
Potency (levels of EPA & DHA)
Fish: a 170g. portion of wild salmon contains 883 mg of EPA and 1,111 mg of DHA. 2-3 servings a week of salmon, combined with a low intake on omega-6, would be adequate for most people.
Fish oil: this is where fish oil may have an advantage over fish. Because it is molecularly distilled and purified, fish oil can have high concentrations of DHA and EPA. 6 capsules of Jarrow Max DHA would provide 1.5g/day of DHA, a level that would be difficult to obtain from eating fish. You’d have to eat approximately 240 grams of wild salmon every day to obtain that much DHA.
On the surface 6 capsules of fish oil contain 1.5g of DHA to get the same amount of grams from fish you’ll need to eat 240grams a day.
But eating fish has a different metabolic affect researchers found that levels of DHA after 6 weeks of salmon consumption were nine times higher than after fish oil administration.
Another study confirmed this by demonstrating that fish oil is absorbed much better in the presence of a high-fat meal. They found that the content of n-3 fatty acids in the body tissues rose dramatically when the fish oil was taken along with 12g of olive oil.
So it appears that EPA, and especially DHA, is much better absorbed from fish than fish oil. The effect may be as great as nine-fold. This means that we would need nine times less DHA from fish to obtain the same amount of DHA from fish oil.
So using the 9 fold calculations we get the following:
Fish 150g = 1.1g of DHA = 9.9g of Fish Oil = 36 capsuales/day.
Its also important to note that taking fish oil capsules with a high-fat meal can greatly improve their absorption, to the point where they may be on par with whole fish.
But the scientific literature is mixed on this.
In the end I recommend consuming whole real fish to get adequate nutrition.
If your concerned about the contamination of the fish such as mercury and other heavy metals potentially if your pregnant as mercury from fish because it can damage the developing fetal brain.
It is good to note that Atlantic mackerel, shark, swordfish, and tilefish are particularly prone to mercury contamination and should be avoided during pregnancy. Consuming 340g. of safer fish, such as salmon and sardines, can ensure sufficient EPA and DHA intake while still avoiding mercury.
DHA is the back up system, that animals have developed to separate themselves, from being quite plant like, using a water and sunlight battery. DHA allows all animals use this extra power to gain the ability to disconnect from Earth or the sun for a period of time to live. Animals use grounding extensively when they are in nature. DHA is the evolutionary addition to our power grid system which upgraded life’s photosynthetic battery.
This is why health metrics in humans are always tied to high tissue DHA status. The more DHA you have in your tissues the more back up power source you have to generate a larger electromotive force in your mitochondria to generate the DC electric current. If your battery cannot hold the charge from the Earth of sun, for any reason, you get ill.