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Can you eat too much fat on keto diet?
OVERVIEW I have personally found in a ketogenic high fat diet, that I do not need to limit the amount of fat I need to intake, many people believe that…
Is Protein in Keto important?
Protein is an essential macronutrient and comes from the greek word Proteos meaning The Most Important one. Protein is everything your body is made from, from your hair, bones, organs,…
5 Simple Steps to Get into Ketosis
By Siim Land I think almost everyone agrees with me when I say that the ketogenic diet is probably one of the most complex and difficult eating plans out there….
Latest Blog Posts
How Ketones Slow Fat Loss: What You Need to Know
If you’re trying to lose weight, you’ve probably heard about ketones and how they help your body burn fat. But did you know that ketones, like β-hydroxybutyrate (β-OHB), can actually slow down fat…
Personal Trainer finds Keto Life Changing
We are back with another amazing interview of someone living a Keto lifestyle! In today’s interview I would like to present Andrew, a personal trainer of 22 years, he shares…
Your Keto myer briggs Personality Type
I’m a big fan of the myer briggs personality type profiling, I thought it would be fun to make a collection of types and different approaches to keto that may…
Butter In Coffee Origin
With the popularity of Ketogenic diets, and bulletproof coffee, it is easy to think this is a new crazy dietary fad happening, but the history of this dates back over…
Anna Avoids Gastric Sleeve and Goes Keto
We are back with another amazing interview of someone living a Keto lifestyle! In today’s interview I would like to present Anna, during her journey, she shares how she avoided…
Kristina Lost over 100 pounds on Keto Without Exercising
Kristina, who recently shared her journey with losing 100 over pounds with POPSUGAR, adopted the ketogenic diet. She is proof that it all starts with a choice and a plan, her circumstances…
ketosis in 4 simple steps
I find explaining how to maintain a ketosis in my ketogenic diet in 4 simple steps, I am interested in yours too, please comment below what helps you. 1. Keep…
Kimmy shares how she lost 110 pounds on Keto
Welcome back to another inspiring interview on Ketoisland. In today’s interview, I would like to present Kim from Queensland Australia, she has been following a Keto lifestyle for over 15…
See how Jessica dropped over 125 pounds
We are back with another amazing interview of someone living an LCHF lifestyle! In today’s interview I would like to present Jessica, she has been fallowing a LCHF lifestyle for over 9 months and lost over 57…
Thiamine Affects Gut Bacteria
A new study published September 26, 2017 from Zachary A. Costliow, Patrick H. Degnan at the University of Illinois points out that all gut microbes require thiamine, (Vitamin B1). They…
2 Powerful Tips About Keto Flu
What is the keto flu? A common thing people keep asking me, is that after a few days into a ketogenic diet is, “why do I feel so tired, and…
Pilot Study: Suggests Keto is as powerful as Alzheimers Drug
In a small pilot study at the University of Kansas, researches conducted a ketogeneic diet experiment they call KDRAFT which stands for ‘The Ketogenic Diet Retention and Feasibility Trail’ where…
Study Found in 9 Days Switching Sugar for Starch Reduced Liver Fat by 20 percent in Kids
A study published last month, led by scientists at Touro University in Vallejo, Calif., and UC San Francisco took 41 children had all meals provided for 9 days with the same…
Is Keto High Fat or Low Fat?
By Rebecca Latham I originally started eating ketogenically a few years ago by eating very high fat, lower protein, and very low (sometimes zero) carbs. That worked for a while, and…
All aboard NAD+
I thought for a long time that just the presence of ketones in the blood, is what made me feel amazing but as I dived down the rabbit hole, I realised…