Today on Keto Island we have a special guest her name is Bec and she has been living a Low Carb High Fat lifestyle and has lost 60kg / 132 pounds.
So we can definitely learn a lot from her journey please feel free to share her Inspirational journey.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
What moment or event started your weight loss journey?
What was your starting weight? What weight are you at now?
How did you discover the Keto lifestyle and how has it affected you?
What is your favourite Keto recipe / food?
These are two of my favourite chicken recipes! (I just leave out the breadcrumbs for this one!)
I love everything on the budgetbytes website! Not only is everything cheap to make, but it also so easy and really, really tasty! I cook for myself and my boyfriend, who isn’t on keto, so I usually make “normal” meals but I don’t give myself the rice or pasta sides.
For people currently doing Keto what motivational tip or advice would you like to share?
Don’t give up. Seriously. Sometimes you might look in the mirror and see saggy skin, or stretch marks and think badly about yourself, like there’s no point. But you know what, it’s so worth it. Nobody cares. There will be so many guys and girls that love you an insane amount even though you have wobbly bits or marks on your thighs – and if people do care, they aren’t worth your time. Your weight and poor health will hold you back from everything you want to do, but a bit of saggy skin won’t. I have a bit of flab on my arms and tummy from losing so much weight, but with time it will shrink back and even if it doesn’t, who cares! Life is too short to worry about things like that, so don’t let it hold you back. 🙂
There will also be times when dieting gets difficult, and it’s normal to feel that way, don’t worry. I don’t think many people could eat completely perfectly forever and never crave junk food. That’s why I don’t think you should think of keto as “diet”, think of it as a lifestyle change. I plan to eat low carb and low sugar for the rest of my life, but life still goes on around me. Friends have parties, you go on holidays, co-workers invite you out for drinks… There may be times when you do eat junk food, just don’t freak out about it. Life’s no fun when people stop inviting you out because you become that person that whips out MFP at the dinner table or refuse to eat any of the meal they’ve lovingly cooked because it’s not keto-friendly. I personally don’t believe in completely depriving yourself forever, but I don’t believe in month long binges either. Just learn to manage keto with the rest of your life so you’re not just living to keto, you’re ketoing to live.
If someone wanted to get into the Keto lifestyle what advice would you give them?
Just do it! I went so long for letting silly little things hold me back, things that don’t even matter in the end. If you want to keto, get on those websites, blogs and subreddits and start throwing yourself into it. It can be hard to get into it at first (and confusing!) but the keto community is great and always willing to help out new people wanting to give keto a go. I also found it really helpful to have a little keto buddy, someone that was doing it with me that I could go to for support and understanding. I started keto with my mum and she was, and continues to be, my biggest supporter. I couldn’t have done it without her. Family and friends are important, but sometimes they can be a pain as well… Be prepared to have some of your friends, family and co-workers inevitably tell you keto is bad for you – but don’t let it get to you too much, just smile and nod and continue to keto on. 😉